ณ์Development concept 

1.Improved Y-axis thermal growth
2.Improved of machining surface
3.High-speed ATC 4.Machine specifications
5.New various functions
6.Accuracy data
7.Improved items

1.  Improvemed Y-axis thermal growth

Thermal growth measures by Layout change of Z-axis feed system
Countermeasure for thermal growth of Y-axis direction
As Z-axis guide is positioned near the center of spindle, Y-axis thermal growth is suppressed.


Z-axis LM guide Rail ⇒Saddle Carriage ⇒Spindle head
- Distance between machining point and supported point is not varied, if Z-axis moves. Z-axis straightness with stability
- There is no overhang on Z-axis. High accuracy positioning

A.H.I.S(Advanced Heat Isolation System)
- Oil circulation forced cooling type wide area double-jacket
- Control box is away from main body (150mm)
- THERMAL GROWTH CONTROL Temperature control ±0.1C
- Compulsory heat discharging fan


Forcing out hot air in the spindle cover
Exhaust heat at high speed rotation of spindle is the cause of spindle thermal growth.

Forcing out exhaust heat in the spindle cover

Thermal growth counter measure


X-axis thermal growth data

Y-axis thermal growth data

2.  Improvemed machining surface  

Axis guide

High performance spindle

1) Spindle employs Built-in motor made by FANUC for less heat generation
2) Max 30,000rpm (OP : 40,000rpm)
3) Ceramic bearings
4) THERMAL GROWTH CONTROL Temperature control ±0.1C by forced circulation of heat exchange fluid (Dual bypass PID control)
5) New Spindle internal structure secures improvement on dynamic run-out

Inspection cutting-01

Flat Surface cutting
Machine : CEGA-SS300
Material : STAVAX (52HRC)
Coolant : Semi dry
Work size : 60 x 60 x 30 mm
Inspection cutting-01
Machining condition

Tool Process

Rough cut

φ6.0×R1.0 Radius end mill(NS:MHR230R) 

Spindlespeed 3,600min-1 Feed rate 700mm/min

Finish cut

φ6.0×R1.0 Radius end mill(NS:MSRS430R) 

Spindlespeed 6,000min-1 Feed rate 1000mm/min

Finalfinish cut

φ6.0×R1.0Luminous Radius end mill
Spindlespeed 10,000min-1Feed rate 500mm/min 
Total cycletime   2hr 35min

Inspection Cutting-01

Inspection Cutting-02

Coolant Semi dry
Holder Shrink fit holder (Made by MST)
  Rough cut Φ12.0 x R3.0 Radius end mill (OSG : FX-CR-MG-EMS) 
  Spindle speed 3,000 min-1   Feed rate 3.000mm/min 
  Φ8.0 x R0.5 Radius end mill(OSG : FX-CR-MG-EMS) 
  Spindle speed 4,000min-1   Feed rate 2,000mm/min 
  Φ3.0 Ball end mill(NS: MSBH230)

Spindle speed 10,000min-1 Feed rate 1,800mm/min


Finish cut

Φ6.0x R1.0 Radius end mill (NS: MSXH440R) 

Spindle speed 8,000min-1 Feed rate 1,000mm/min


Final finish cut

φ6.0x R1.0 Luminous Radius end mill
  Spindle speed 12,000min-1Feed rate 1,000mm/min 
Cycle time  

7hr 11min


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